Gross Anatomy 1.The immune system is the body multi level defence network against potentially harmful bacteria,viruses and other organisms. A healthy lifestyle helps ones immune system to be in the best shape possible to tackle pathogens but it better to stop them entering the body in the first place. The corona virus pandemic has turned the world attention to the immune system the body defence force against disease causing bacteria, virus and other organisms that we touch, ingest and inhale everyday. The system has two types of response : 1. Inmate immune system: the body natural barriers against disease causing intruders for example our skin, the mocous and hair in the nose,and the acid in the stomach. 2. Adaptive immune system: immunity develop over a lifetime of contact with pathogens and vaccine. Vaccination safely teaches our adaptive immune system to repel a wide range of disease and thus protect ourselves and others. There is currently no vaccine for corona virus. How to help your immune system A healthy lifestyle are no smoking,no alcohol, sleeping well, eating a balanced diet, taking regular moderate exercise and reducing stress.helps our immune system to be in the best shape possible to tackle pathogens. The World Health Organization ( WHO) recommended basic protective measures against covid 19 which are : frequent hand washing with soap and water, or cleaning hands with an alcohol based rub, maintaining social distancing, avoiding touch your eyes,nose and mouth and covering your nose and mouth with a bent elbow or tissue when you cough or sneeze. These simple actions are vital to slowing the spread of a new disease like corona virus. 2. Subsartorial canal Subsartorial canal is also know as adductor canal or hunter canal is a narrow canal tunnel located in the thigh.It is approximately 15cm long extending from the apex of the femoral triangle to the adductor hiatus of the adductor magnus. The canal serves as a passage from structures moving between the anterior thigh and posterior leg. Borders The adductor canal is bordered by muscular structures : 1. Anteromedial : sartorius 2. Lateral : vastus medialis 3. Posterior : adductor longus and adductor magnus Nerves 1. Sepherous nerves 2. Femoral nerves 3. The extaocular muscle are located within the orbit, but are extrinsic and separate from the eyeballs and the superior eyeliner. Muscles There are seven extraomusculat muscles : the levator muscle, palpebrae superioris, superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, lateral rectus, inferior oblique and superior oblique. Functionally they can be divided into two: 1. Responsible for eye movement: Recti and oblique muscles. 2. Responsible for superior eyelids movement: lavator palpebrea superioris. Nerves 1.Oculomoto nerve 2. The trochlear nerve 3. The abducens nerve Innervation 1. The medial, inferior and superior recti, the inferior oblique and levator palpebrae muscles all innervated by the oculomotor nerve. 2. The superior oblique muscles innervated by the trochleal nerve 3. Lateral rectis muscles innervated by the abducens nerves. Intraocular muscles which are responsible for pupil accommodation and reaction to light, and the protractor and refractor of the eyelids Muscles 1. Ciliary muscle 2. The sphincter pupillae muscle 3. The dilator pupillae muscle Nerves 1. Superior nerve 2. Inferior nerve 3. Lateral nerve