1.The viscerocranium comprises several bones that forms the skeleton of the face as well as parts of the jaw(they include nasal bones, maxillae, zygomatic bones,lacrimal bones,ethmoid bones, vomer, sphenoid bone, palatine bone and mandible) WHEREAS The neurocranium is the upper and back part of the skull which forms a protective case around the brain(frontal, sphenoid, parietal, temporal and occipital bone) 2.Femoral triangle is a special area of the thigh because it serves as a landmark useful in dissection and in understanding relationships in the groin. It also serves as the region of passage of the main blood vessels between the pelvis and the lower limb as well as the large nerve supplying the thigh. 3.Muscles that participate during social distancing are the Hamstring muscles(semimembranous, semitendinosus and bicep femoris) and quadricep femoris(rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius and vastus medialis) 4.Corona virus affects the respiratory epithelium(ciliated columnar epithelium) lining the throat, the lungs and the thorax.