NAME: OYEMIKE OGORCHUKWU CLARA MATRIC NUMBER: 19/MHS01/376 DEPARTMENT/COLLEGE: MBBS/MHS COURSE CODE: GST 122 ASSIGNMENT Write a report, of not more than two(2)s pages, on the Corona virus pandemic and the effects of the lockdown and restriction of movement on nigerians. Origin:it emerged in Wuhan,China in December 31,2019 and spread around the world which has killed more than eighteen hundred and infected over seventy thousand individuals within the first fifty days of the pandemic. Bats have been proven to be a possible primary reservoir, the intermediate source of origin and transfer to humans is not known but its wide spread to human is rapid. There is no clinically approved antiviral drug or vaccine available to be used against COVID-19. The observations made about the virus showed that it can spread from human to human by close contact with an infected person exposed to coughing, sneezing, respiratory droplets or aerosols[the aerosols can penetrate the human body such as the lungs via inhalation through the nose or mouth. The Corona Virus in Nigeria: The Federal Ministry of Health confirmed a corona virus disease case in Lagos State, Nigeria. It was confirmed on the 27th of February 2020 as the first case in Nigeria since the beginning of the outbreak in China in January 2020. The case is an Italian citizen who works in Nigeria and returned from Milan,Italy to Lagos,NIgerian on the 25th of February 2020. He was confirmed by the Virgology Laboratory of the Lgos University Teaching Hospital, part of the Laboratory Network of the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control. The multi-sectoral Coronavirus preparedness Group led by the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control(NCDC) has immediately activated its national Emergency Operations Centre and will work closely with Lagos State Health authorities to respond to this case and implement firm control measures. The Effects of the lockdown and Restriction of movement in Nigeria; it has led to but positive and negative effects on the citizens of Nigeria though thr lockdown is enforced as to reduce possibilities of contacting the virus it has also affected the less privileged and some of them would and has died from hunger example if a tricycle rider is the provider of a family of five and they have no other means of income the family then becomes stranded after some time because their source of food has been closed down and so on. It has also led to a certain number of deaths because no one is allowed outside except for some part of the country were movements are allowed, in cases of emergencies some citizens die. It has also led high cases of robbery, stealing even prostitution some may ask how has it led to prostitution when they are staying indoors. Prostitution has increased in some part of the countries as they try to fend their families. People struggle to survive as it has lead to inrease in the prices of limited goods in the market. Conclusion: As citizens of Nigeria all we have to do is stay safe by following the necessary precautions provided to us by the health workers which is washing our hands with soap and clean water frequently, staying hydrated at all times, avoid touching our faces with our hands: our eyes, mouth and nose.